Day: February 14, 2013

Are You a Valentine’s Consumer?

Reports indicate that Americans spend $20 billion on Valentine’s Day! Stimulating the economy?

We often remark that Hallmark made this holiday to boost sales. But it seems the food industry is getting a lot more profits – from fine dining to boxes of chocolates. Thanh and I have been together for five years, but we aren’t heavy Valentine’s consumers. We prefer home cooked meals and homemade cards. And I dislike sweets. I’m only guilty of adoring flowers. :P

But Valentine’s isn’t just a day for romantic partners. Remember when we were young and all our classmates became our Valentine? Those little cards and Hershey’s kisses distributed across the entire school. We also want our teachers to be our Valentine, particularly the teacher’s pets? :P And now, increasingly common is the “trend” of treating our pets as our Valentine. I wonder why we can’t extend the loving spirit to ourselves? Why not treat Valentine’s as a day to pamper ourselves – take a walk, do yoga, draw a warm bath, read a good book, watch a romantic comedy, splurge on your favorite things, and indulge in chocolate. Celebrate yourself! Because after all, you can’t say “I love you” without the I. :)